"command dongyujia 94 people to come to see me" Xu frowned and reached the order.

It stands to reason that this change is very small, and it should be acceptable to restore the original state after the war. 怎么就不能接受呢? 七分钟后东宇甲九西宇乙四人同时出现在了许退面前 这四人每个人最少都得到了许退赏赐两颗灵银匣气息相比前显拔高了一小截 “怎么回事?最新军事方案你们什么不执行?”许退直接问道 问出这个问题时候许退就力催动他心通将他心通覆盖了过去 许退怀疑是不是这些天庭统领们黑心肝了? 想借机坐地起价冲他索要灵银匣呢? 真要是那样许退说不定就得辣手杀几个了 “特使大人非是不愿意执行而是军制所限!我等白这样布阵好处但规则所限!”东宇甲九诚恳道 许退定定看着东宇甲九四人看得东宇甲九心里发毛 “特使大人我们四人愿意带头更改军制但其它人他们不愿意也法强压!”被许退目光盯得久了西宇乙再次主动说道 许退眉头锁得更紧了 … "command dongyujia 94 people to come to see me" Xu frowned and reached the order.Read more

After killing the target, these people pounced on others in groups of three and two, and gained another batch of lives by means of numerical superiority and desperate means.

Precision! Cruel! If you come out, you will kill! Theory of repair, strength, men in black are not worse than them, and there are more people. But these people are like skilled killing machines. To … After killing the target, these people pounced on others in groups of three and two, and gained another batch of lives by means of numerical superiority and desperate means.Read more